Bajau language is a language that spoken by Bajau people in the world, and it is local language that Bajau people use in their daily communication in every Bajau village, but they have different dialect each other based on the area they lived. Bajau people lived in the region along the coast of the Gulf of Bone since hundreds years ago. Actually Bajau many shoreline spread almost all over Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Sumbawa, there are also Bajau in Sabah Malaysia. As a result many dialects occur between Bajau tribe. Some of them effected by the majority language in the locate they lived, such as Bajau in Sulawesi, language and customs are influenced by Bugis. Therefore, Bajau people in Torosiaje Village, Gorontalo, they have different dialect with Bajau in neighbor village, Tilamuta. In Tilamuta, they put ‘ h’ in the last word they spoke. For example: when they said ‘ where’ , in Bajau Tilamuta will say ‘ manggah’ and Bajau Torosiaje say ‘ mangga’ . There’re still some dif...