Bajau language is a language that spoken by Bajau people in the world, and it is local language that Bajau people use in their daily communication in every Bajau village, but they have different dialect each other based on the area they lived. Bajau people lived in the region along the coast of the Gulf of Bone since hundreds years ago. Actually Bajau many shoreline spread almost all over Sulawesi, East Kalimantan, Sumbawa, there are also Bajau in Sabah Malaysia. As a result many dialects occur between Bajau tribe. Some of them effected by the majority language in the locate they lived, such as Bajau in Sulawesi, language and customs are influenced by Bugis. Therefore, Bajau people in Torosiaje Village, Gorontalo, they have different dialect with Bajau in neighbor village, Tilamuta. In Tilamuta, they put ‘h’ in the last word they spoke. For example: when they said ‘where’, in Bajau Tilamuta will say ‘manggah’ and Bajau Torosiaje say ‘mangga’. There’re still some differences about dialect in Bajau language that interest to analyze.
In the world, there are many languages which have been learned by people, especially English as the world language and there are many things that have been analyzed. Moreover, Bajau language also is a language that shoul be analyzed, because we know that human language is unique, it relies entirely on social convention and learning.
           Bajau language is included into parts of Linguistic Grouping. In most language, it is possible to construct complex words. However, complex world have an internal and consist of two or more pieces. These pieces are called morphemes and  the smallest meaning-bearing unit of language. For instances:


Prefix                          Base form

Dis-                 +                able                             Disable

Re-                  +                play                             Replay

Non-               +                stop                             Nonstop


Prefix                          Base form

Na-                +        malaku                         Namalaku (asking)

Ta-                    +          baca                             Tabaca (read)

           Based on the example above that in English ‘disable’ can be analyzed as being composed of two morphemes ‘dis’ and ‘able’, ‘re’ and ‘play’, ‘non’ and ‘stop’. Bajau language also can be analyzed as being composed of two morphemes; ‘na’ and ‘malaku’, ‘ta’ and ‘baca’.
This observation was done to find out the differences or similarities of prefix between English and Bajau language, and focused on distribution and function. This is used qualitative method by using Contrastive Analysis. Two languages that contrasted are Bajau language as a target language and English as a source language.

There are 14 prefixes in English to compared, they are dis-, mis-, re-, non-, un-, em-, en-, out-, be-, over-, sub-, ex-, pre-, and in-. 
There are also 10 prefixes in Bajau language. They are pa-, na-, ta-, maki-, ma-, nga-, ng-, di-, ka-, and maka-. Both of English and Bajau language have more prefixes.

In Bajau language, some prefixes could change word class and also there were only to clarify the meaning of word by adding prefix. For example, in Bajau word ‘nele’ means ‘see’, it was verb, if it put a prefix ‘pa-’, it would change word class into nounpanele’ (eye). If it is put a prefix ‘na-‘, the word class will not change. It is only clarify active verb form and it is called inflectional affix. The same case in English, for example, 'body' was noun. if it put prefix 'em-', it would change word class into Verb 'embody'.

In distribution, English and Bajau language have correspondent because prefixes in both languages could be attached to base form of noun, verb, and adjective. In the function, it is shown that the both languages have prefixes that could change and not change the word class. In English, noun could be verb and adjective if prefix was attached to the base word; verb could be noun and adjective, and adjective coul be verb. In Bajau language, noun could be verb and adjective if prefix was attached to the base word; verb could be noun, and adjective could be verb. 

Besaides, similarities of English and Bajau language are in sentences. Both of them have the same structure that is not change. For example:

  •       Aku dumalang ma pitta sikeo (i walk in the darkness). Dumalang is verb (V). If it is attached prefix ‘na-‘, the sentence will be “aku nadumalang ma pitta sikeo” (i want to walk in the darkness). Nadumalang is active verb (V) and word class is not changed.

  •      It is clear.  Clear is adjective (Adj). If it is attached prefix ‘ un-‘, the sentence will be “it is unclear”. Unclear is adjective (Adj) and word class is not change.



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